Thursday, November 15, 2007

Getting started

The first photo I shared “publicly” – aside from giving them to friends or posting on Facebook – was one I donated to an auction at the local pub. I was so nervous when it came up for bid, worrying that no one would want it or that if it did sell it would go for a pittance. I was thrilled as the bidding was active and the price kept increasing, even by small increments. Wow, someone wants to buy MY photograph! Later on I found it odd to think that my work would hang in a stranger’s house.

The following week I decided to take a really big step and offer three of my photos for the silent auction at Titz’n Glitz ( Jeepers, I was anxious!! Even just unwrapping them to show the committee at a planning meeting caused Olympic-qualifying butterflies in my stomach. But the response was amazing, and I’m sure my face probably reflected several shades of blush at the praise.

At the event I made periodic trips to the auction room, just for a peek. I giggled with glee when the bidding closed. Where many items had sold below value, mine went slightly above! As Christina pointed out to me, we say that Titz’n Glitz provides breast cancer patients with a sense of empowerment, and now that applies to me too. Success at the auction gave me the boost I needed to finally make that leap out of my quiet comfort zone and offer my photography for sale. As a result, and because I so passionately believe in the importance of what we’re doing, I will donate a percentage of all photography sales to Titz’n Glitz, which enables financial assistance to be provided to breast cancer patients in NS through On The Front Line Society (breast cancer fund).

My first big outing will be at the Seaside Christmas on the Shore this Saturday and Sunday at Oyster Pond Academy. Wish me luck!!


Anonymous said...

Good luck!!! Not that you need it :) Your photos are beautiful!

Chantelle said...

Thanks so much Julie, you're so kind! The Itty Bitty Titty Committee really does deserve the credit for helping me do this! :)